Death By A Thousand Clicks: Leading Boston Doctors Decry Electronic Medical Records Channeling Lyndon Johnson on Walter Cronkite, in clinical medicine, when you've lost Boston (including MGH), you've probably lost th... mywall May 18, 2017
New HHS Secretary, rather than singing unabashed praise for EMRs like his predecessors, states the obvious. However, the "solutions" are the usual boilerplate. In the past, politicians on both sides of the aisle have generally sung unfettered and uncritical praise for electronic medical records and ... mywall May 06, 2017
Physicians go flatline on EHR enthusiasm In a new study, physicians' enthusiasm levels for EHR's seem to resemble this EKG: Do physicians really experience a satisfaction ... mywall July 09, 2016
New AMA President Andy Gurman, MD on EHRs: " I don't have one, and no one can make me use one." The love-fest with EHRs continues, to the great chagrin of the believers in fairies, unicorns and cybernetic utopia. Andy Gurman, MD, Takes ... mywall June 24, 2016
NY Times/Steve Lohr asks "Why the Economic Payoff From Technology Is So Elusive." The answer in medicine is obvious. In a June 5, 2016 article, New York Times reporter Steve Lohr ( mywall June 07, 2016
At least former ONC chair Blumenthal now says "health IT can [even] cause safety issues." Other than that, it's unicorns and fairies in the Harvard Business Review. The truth about healthcare IT, that it is perilously insecure, and is causing clinician despair and patient harm, is increasingly becoming m... mywall February 25, 2016