Figs (Anjeer) Health benefits & Nutrition

Figs (Anjeer) Health benefits & Nutrition

Figs Health benefits & Nutrition
Figs Health benefits & Nutrition
Health Tips


     "The health benefits of figs or anjeer include its use as a treatment for sexual dysfunction, constipation, indigestion, piles, diabetes, cough, bronchitis, and asthma. It is also used as a quick and healthy way to gain weight back after suffering through an illness.

          "Figs are seasonal fruits that are found in the western parts of Asia, but dried figs are available almost everywhere, at any point during the year. The fig tree is a member of the mulberry family.
The health benefits of figs come from the presence of minerals, vitamins and fiber contained in the fruit. Figs contain a wealth of beneficial nutrients, including vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, calcium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, potassium and chlorine.

Figs Nutrition Facts

           "Common figs grow on the ficus tree (ficus carica), which is a member of the mulberry family. Originally from Western Asia and the Middle East, they’re now grown in temperate climates around the world.
Figs can be consumed either raw or dried, which affects the nutritional value."

Thus, 100 grams of raw figs contains about: (1)

  • 74 calories
  • 19 gm carbohydrates
  • 0.7 gm protein
  • 0.3 gm fat
  • 3 gm fiber
  • 232 mg potassium (7 percent DV)
  • o.1 mg manganese (6 percent DV)
  • 4.7 mg vitamin K (6 percent DV)
  • 0.1 mg vitamin B6 (6 percent DV)
  • 17 mg magnesium (4 percent DV)
  • 35 mg calcium (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1 mg thiamine (4 percent DV)
  • 142 IU vitamin A (3 percent DV)
  • 2 mg vitamin C (3 percent DV)
Health Tips

When dried, the health benefits of figs increase.
Thus, 100 grams of dried figs contain about: (2)
  • 74 calories
  • 19 gm carbohydrates
  • 0.7 gm protein
  • 0.3 gm fat
  • 3 gm fiber
  • 232 mg potassium (7 percent DV)
  • o.1 mg manganese (6 percent DV)
  • 4.7 mg vitamin K (6 percent DV)
  • 0.1 mg vitamin B6 (6 percent DV)
  • 17 mg magnesium (4 percent DV)
  • 35 mg calcium (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1 mg thiamine (4 percent DV)
  • 142 IU vitamin A (3 percent DV)
  • 2 mg vitamin C (3 percent DV)

Benefits of Figs Nutrition

               "Figs contain many Vitamins and Minerals that provide health benefits to a number of bodily systems. They’re an easy, healthy snack and can be added to many meals to for another boost of nutrients.
Some of the biggest health benefits of figs include:

1. Powerful Antioxidant

             "Figs provide a huge service to the human body with their antioxidant capabilities. Because oxidation affects almost all body systems, the damage it causes has been linked to many major diseases, aging and cancer- as high-antioxidant foods, figs help stave off these conditions. (3)
   "Some types of figs have more than others, but most are rich in polyphenols, which help combat oxidative stress. (5) These natural health boosters are located in the fruit, leaves, pulp and skin. (6) Studies also show that properly dried figs can be an even better source of phenolic compounds and have increased levels of antioxidant activity than their raw or improperly dried counterparts. (7) This is probably why figs were revered throughout history; easily stored, dried figs could provide incredible health benefits for long voyages and dry climates that prevented access to fresh fruit.

2. Anticancer

        " Figs have a reputation in traditional medicine as a remedy for many health problems, including as a natural cancer treatment. For instance, a study by the Department of Natural Medicinal Chemistry at China Pharmaceutical University shows that some elements contained in figs are toxic to various human cancer cell lines. (8)
"Although there is more research needed, there are recommendations encouraging researchers to find out more about how figs’ bioactive compounds can combat illness because of the success of numerous findings thus far.(9)

3. Treat Common Illnesses

         "Because of the fig’s long history, it has been used to treat a wide range of common ailments for thousands of years. More than 40 illnesses connected to the digestive, endocrine, reproductive and respiratory systems have been treated with fig fruit, extracts and components of the fig tree.
         "Studies have shown figs to be a good source of treatment for anemia, cancer, diabetes, leprosy, liver disease, paralysis, skin diseases, ulcers, gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract infections, and more. (10) Figs and the fig tree are considered promising candidates for helping develop new drugs as well, and researchers hope to continue finding new medicinal uses for the plant

4. Antibacterial and Antifungal
Figs Health benefits & Nutrition
Health Tips

                "Figs can act as a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent. A review by the Drug and Herbal Research Centre at the Universiti Kebangsaan in Malaysia cited two studies that showed fig extract’s ability to combat a strand of oral bacteria, as well as various fungi and microbes. (11)
           "There are also studies done in grass carp that shows effectiveness in figs’ ability to stimulate immune system response, thus making figs tremendous immune system boosters. (12) This may explain why figs are such great common illness fighters, which are typically the work of bacteria and other invaders.

5. Great Source of Potassium, Fiber and Other Depleted Nutrients 

            "Potassium and fiber are two vital components to a healthy diet that many Westerners simply don’t get enough of. Figs are a high-fiber food whether raw or dried, while they also provide anywhere from 7 percent to 19 percent of your daily potassium intake depending on how they’re prepared thus, eating figs helps overcome low potassium levels.
       "Fiber helps aid the digestive system, reduces the risk of heart disease and helps with weight loss by helping you feel full. Potassium is found in every cell in the body and is essential to maintain normal body functions. Dried figs are also great sources of manganese, magnesium and calcium, all of which also don’t appear in our diets as much as they should. Snacking on figs is a low-calorie way to up your intake of these essential nutrients.
Figs Health benefits & Nutrition
Health Tips

Fig Health Benefits:.

      "A few of the health benefits derived from figs include:

1. Mouth:
              "Chew 2-3 tender fig leaves and gargle with water to overcome bad breath and ulcer .

2. Sexual Dysfunction:

             "For centuries, figs have been recommended as a way to correct sexual dysfunction like sterility, endurance, or erectile dysfunction. It has been a major part of mythology and culture, and most of the time, it is referenced as a powerful fertility or sexual supplement. Its actual success as an aphrodisiac is questionable, but the huge amount of valuable Vitamins and Minerals might result in the sudden boost in energy and stamina that people mistake for a sexual surge.  Soak 2-3 figs in milk overnight and eat them in the morning to enhance your sexual abilities.

3. Venereal Diseases: (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)

          "Figs have been traditionally used in the Asian subcontinent and a few other areas of the world as a calming salve for venereal diseases. Ingestion or topical application both work for relief from sexually transmitted diseases, although further research needs to be done on the exact range of symptoms and diseases which figs positively effect.
Figs Health benefits & Nutrition
Health Tips

4. Kidney Stones:

                   "Boil 6 figs in a cup of water. Consume this daily up to a month to remove kidney stones.
5. Acne: 

         "Pickles: You either loved them or hate them! But there are many benefits of this fermented food. Find out what nutrients you can get from this food and other ones."
  "Apply mashed fresh figs all over your face and let it dry for 15-20minutes. This remedy is useful for curing acne. "
  "Also milky juice of fig stem and leaves can be applied daily several times to cure warts.
   They also have anti-ageing properties."

6. Diabetes:

            "Preliminary studies show reduction of glucose in the blood of rats when given an extract made from fig tree leaves. Further results from the the studies show there was also a decline in the levels of cholesterol, as well as help normalizing antioxidant activity to help combat oxidative stress caused by diabetes. (13, 14)
         "Fig fruit has also been proven as a powerful treatment for the side effects of diabetes. With anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities, figs are able to normalize many bodily functions sometimes damaged by diabetes, making them a potential diabetes natural remedy. (15

7. Heart Health:
Figs Health benefits & Nutrition
Health Tips

               " Figs are excellent sources of potassium, Mineral that helps to control blood pressure levels. The soluble fiber, pectin, present in these fruits moves freely through the body, preventing cholesterol. Fig leaves have been shown to lower triglyceride levels in the body, preventing heart attack and stroke. Dried figs contain phenol, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids that help in lowering the risk of coronary diseases."

Lower cholesterol:

            "Figs contain pectin, which is a soluble fiber. When fiber moves through the digestive system, it basically mops up excess clumps of cholesterol and carries them to the excretory system to be eliminated from the body. As a soluble fiber, pectin from figs also stimulates healthy bowel movements. Figs can have a laxative effect, as they are one of the most fiber-dense foods available. High amounts of fiber in your diet can benefit your overall health by preventing certain types of abdominal cancer, as well as colon cancer.

Prevention of coronary heart disease:

            "Dried figs contain phenol, Omega-3 and Omega-6. These fatty acids reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Furthermore, the leaves of figs have a significant effect on the level of triglycerides in a person’s system. Fig leaves have an inhibitory effect on triglycerides, and makes the overall number of triglycerides drop. Triglycerides are another major factor behind various heart diseases.
Prevention of hypertension:

           "People usually take in sodium in the form of salt, but low potassium and high sodium level may lead to hypertension. Figs are high in potassium and low in sodium, so they are a perfect defense against the appearance and effects of hypertension, making figs a relaxing food as well, which can settle the nerves and bring some calmness to your day.

8. For Stronger Bones:

            "Figs are rich in calcium, which is one of the most important components in strengthening bones, and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. It is also rich in phosphorus, which encourages bone formation and spurs regrowth if there is any damage or degradation to bones.
9. Chicken Pox:

            "Early stages of chicken pox can be treated with figs.

10. Weight Loss:

             "Figs are a good source of dietary fiber, but low in calories. High fiber foods keep you full, reducing hunger pangs. It acts as a natural laxative, thereby helping in eliminating the waste form the bowels. The lower the toxin levels, the easier your weight loss will be.

11. Sore Throat:

          "The high mucilage content in figs helps to heal and protect sore throats. The soothing nature of figs and their natural juices can relieve pain and stress on the vocal chords.

12. Bronchitis:

      "The natural chemicals in fig leaves make it an ideal component for a tea base. Fig leaf tea has been popularly prescribed for various respiratory conditions like bronchitis, and it is also used as a way to prevent and lessen the symptoms of asthmatic patients.
Figs Health benefits & Nutrition
Health Tips
13. For Better Digestive Health (Constipation):
Figs Health benefits & Nutrition
Health Tips

          "As mentioned, the presence of fiber in figs enables it to act as a natural laxative. Thus, it is beneficial for those who are suffering from constipation. It is also known to cure irritable bowel movement. It also contains prebiotics that support the good bacteria in the gut, improving digestion.
           "Consume 2-3 soaked dried figs with a tablespoon of honey. Use this continuously for a month every morning to relive constipation."

14. Protection against post-menopausal breast cancer:

           "Fiber content in figs have been known to protect against breast cancer, and after menopause, the hormonal balance in women can often fluctuate. The body’s systems are so interconnected that hormones affect the immune system, which is turn affect the ability of antioxidants to fight free radicals. Free radicals are prime factors behind the development of cancer, so figs take care of one extra line of defense by providing its wealth of fiber.

15. Help Treat Skin Cancer:

           "Fig leaves are great providers of bioactive compounds that are great at fighting free radical damage. (16) As a result, some studies have used information about the makeup of the fig leaf to develop better forms of photodynamic therapy to treat certain types of skin cancer. (17)

16. Prevention of colon cancer:

          "The presence of fiber helps to stimulate the elimination of free radicals and other cancer causing substances, particularly in the colon, since fiber increases the healthy movement of the bowels.

17. Anti-Wrinkle Capabilities:

            "There have been multiple studies using fig tree leaf extract (combined with other fruits and alone) that have shown successful examples of anti-wrinkle capabilities. Individuals using creams including fig leaf and fig fruit extracts showed significant decrease in length and depth of facial wrinkles, thanks to antioxidant and anti-collagenase activity. (18)
       "Another study published in the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences even concluded that creams containing fig extract could also be used to help hyper pigmentation, acne and even freckles. (19)

18. Urinary calcium loss: 

            "People that maintain a high-sodium diet may be affected by increased urinary calcium loss. The high potassium content in figs helps to avoid that condition and regulates the content of waste in your urine. It minimizes the calcium you lose, while increasing the amount of uric acid and other harmful toxins which you want to get out of your body.

19. Prevention of macular degeneration:

            "Vision loss in older people is normally due to macular degeneration. Fruits and figs are particularly good at helping you avoid this very common symptom of aging.

Figs for the Skin:

          "A rich source of skin-friendly minerals and vitamins, including copper, phosphorus, Vitamin A, C and E, these fruits help in rendering a rejuvenated and refreshed skin. Some of the fig benefits for skin are"

1.For A Moisturized Skin:

          "Figs are rich in important nutrients like Vitamin B, C, phosphorus, potassium and minerals like calcium and magnesium which are essential for boosting and rejuvenating the skin’s health. The high levels of omega 3 fatty acids in figs helps to keep the skin moisturized and well- conditioned. Apply fig paste on the lips to treat cracked and dry lips.

2. Eases Skin Injuries And Infections:

         "Applying baked fig on the skin helps to treat skin conditions like inflammations, boils, and abscess. It is also beneficial for curing zits and pimples. Apply fig paste on the skin to tighten the pores and control excess sebum secretion."

3. For A Glowing, Healthy Skin:

          "The high water content in fig helps to flush out the toxins and waste from the body, preventing pimples and acne. It also treats eczema and psoriasis, giving you a healthy and glowing skin. Application of fig pulp on the face helps to transport nutrients into the dermal layers of the skin, replenishing it from within. Make a face pack combining fig paste and yoghurt. Apply it on the face and massage your skin with it for a few minutes. Wash it off after 15 minutes with lukewarm water.

4. Unclog The Pores For A Radiant Look:

           "You can also prepare a natural, homemade scrub using fig paste. Mix 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar and tablespoon of fresh orange juice with 2 tablespoon fig paste. Add a few drops of olive oil and use this scrub on both your face and body weekly to get smooth and soft skin. The enzymes present in figs will remove the dead skin cells and the sugar will mildly polish the skin.
5. For Lightening And Whitening The Skin:

           "Figs contain a high amount of Vitamin C which helps to lighten and even out the skin tone. Prepare a fig paste by mixing powdered oatmeal and dried ginger powder. Add a few drops of bergamot essential oil and stir to form a smooth paste. Use this face pack twice a week to get even-toned skin.

6.    "Application of fig paste on the face helps to transport important nutrients into the dermal layers of the skin to replenish it from within. Take some fresh figs and process them in a mixer with 1 tablespoon of yoghurt to make a fine paste. Apply this all over the face and massage you skin gently with it for a few minutes. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water. If you cannot find fresh figs then soak some dried figs overnight and blend them to form a smooth paste.

7.    "Not just the flesh, the peels of figs too contain active enzyme which act as an exfoliator to clear the dead cell debris from the skin. All you need to do is wash and clean the peels, and scrub the skin with the inside of the peel for flawless and smooth skin.
8.   "Figs have amazing moisturizing properties as they contain around 3/4 cups of water. It is often used as a moisturizer on the skin to restore its suppleness. Apply some fig paste on your lips to alleviate cracked lips. Application of fig paste on the face helps to tighten the pores and control excess sebum secretion.

Figs for the Hair:

1.    "Fruits rich in Vitamin C and E fight hair loss problems and maintain the proper health of the hair. Figs contain hair-friendly nutrients like magnesium, Vitamin C and E which promote hair growth. The essential nutrients present in this fruit stimulate blood circulation in the body to accelerate hair growth (14).

2.    "Figs contain a high amount of calcium which contributes to the formation of collagen that makes up our hair and scalp.

3.    "Figs are very popular in the hair care industry as their extracts are used to create amazing hair conditioners. Figs’ extracts provide moisture to the scalp and help in the detangling of hair. It moisturizes the hair without making it heavy or weighed down.
4.    "Fig oil is ideal for wavy, coarse and curly hair. It rehydrates the hair to make it lustrous, shiny and manageable. Add 10 drops of fig oil to your hair mask and apply it all over the hair. Leave it for one hour and then shampoo as usual. Or, you can even mix fig oil with your conditioner to get silky, smooth hair. Rinse your hair thoroughly after shampooing and remove excess water from the hair. Add 5 to 7 drops of fig oil to you conditioner and apply it properly on the hair. Let it stay for 5 to 7 minutes and then wash off.
5.    "Figs provide the beneficial copper enzyme which helps to maintain the color of the hair. It is an excellent fruit for people suffering from graying hair.
Hence consume figs regularly to benefit your skin and hair in many more ways than you can imagine.

              "Figs are quite useful in treating various respiratory disorders like whooping cough and asthma. They are also effective digestive aids, and they are helpful in treating constipation, indigestion, stomach ache, and various other intestinal conditions. Figs are good for fever, earache, boils, abscesses, venereal diseases and is excellent for the liver. Figs have a high level of alkines, therefore they help regulate the pH of the body. Figs are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols, which are antioxidants that prevent the damage caused by free radicals. Figs are known for their soothing and laxative properties, and they are also low in fat and sugar.
Figs are sweet and soft and their paste is often used as a replacement for sugar. Processed figs are used to make pies, pudding, cakes, assorted baked goods, jam, jellies and preserves.

Word of Caution:

            "It is possible to have too much of a good thing, and eating too many figs can cause diarrhea. Furthermore, dried figs are high in sugar and can potentially cause tooth decay. Also, there are those who are allergic to figs, or certain chemical components within them, and the resulting allergic reactions can be mild to severe. As always, before making a major change in your behavioral patterns or lifestyle, speak with your doctor or usual medical professional.
       "Finally, it is best not to consume too many figs in the week or two leading up to a surgery, because it can occasionally cause bleeding in the digestive tract in sensitive individuals.

 Selection and Storage:

            "Fresh figs are available yearly from June to November while dried figs are available throughout the year. Figs should be allowed to ripen fully before they are picked. Select figs that are plump and tender. They should be devoid of bruises and dents, and should not be mushy. Perfect and fresh figs emit a mildly sweet fragrance when given slight pressure. Smelly figs are an indication that they might be spoiled or have already begun to ferment. Stay away from unripe, green figs as they can burn your mouth and lips.

Fresh figs do not have a long shelf life as they are very delicate in nature. So, figs should be placed in the refrigerator immediately after purchasing. Place them in a plastic or zip pouch or wrap them to ensure that they do not dry out or get crushed while handling. Slightly ripe figs should be kept at room temperature, away from direct sunlight to allow them to ripen completely. Since fresh figs get perished easily, they should be consumed within 2 to 3 days.  If you have stored figs in the refrigerator, take them out and place them in a bowl of water to enrich their taste and palatability.

          "Dried figs can be kept for several months either in the refrigerator or in a cool and dry place. Figs can also be frozen whole, sliced or peeled, in a sealed container for more than 3 months. Figs are also available in the canned form which comes with a shelf life of 6 months and should be consumed within a week of opening.

You need to exercise caution while consuming figs in high amounts as figs can cause allergic reactions, ranging from vomiting to diarrhea and even itchy skin. People who have very sensitive skin or a history of allergy should avoid eating or applying figs on the skin. Never consume unripe figs; they produce white latex, containing compounds like furocoumarins, 5-methoxypsoralen (5-MOP) which can cause severe allergy around the mouth and lips that can easily spread to the other body parts.


            "Luscious and sweet figs are seasonal fruits which are enjoyed by one and all. Figs are extremely juicy and sweet, and have a chewy flesh and crunchy seeds. They are eaten in both the raw and dry forms. Fresh figs are more nutritious than dry figs, so try to include more of fresh figs in your diet than the dry ones. Before eating or using figs, wash them under running water and gently remove the stem. You can eat fresh figs whole or peeled. Simmer frozen figs in water to make them plumper and juicier.

         "Fresh figs are a great addition to salads, cakes and ice creams. Sweet and juicy figs should be enjoyed without any additions to enjoy their taste to the fullest. Since figs are highly alkaline, you can mix them with other foods too. It will not alter the fig’s taste in any way.

         "Dried figs have much higher sugar content than the fresh ones, so you can chop and add them to your desserts and other sweet dishes to add a touch of sweetness. Processed figs are used in making pies, pudding, cakes, jam and other bakery products while dried figs are used for preparing muesli bars, porridge and as an addition to cereals and porridges. You can also add dried figs to soups, stews and in meat preparation to enhance the taste. The paste of figs is also used as a sugar substitute in some regions.

Some Important Tips:
    • Always wash figs thoroughly and gently.
    • Use fresh Figs for best results.
    • When cutting or chopping, dip knife in warm water to prevent sticking
    • Avoid limp figs.
    • If dried figs have become too hard, try soaking them in water.
    • Store figs in a bag in coldest part of the fridge.
    • Use figs regularly for best results
    • Eating too much of figs can cause diarrhea and tooth decay.

      Interesting Facts About Figs

                   " Figs are actually developed from inverted flowers called a syconium. The fig flesh is made from the matured flowers, which bloom inside the skin and are therefore never seen. Wild fig trees can survive up to 100 years and can grow as high as 100 feet.

      Fig tree leaves release a pleasant, woodsy-green fragrance. Some people dry the leaves and use them in perfume or in potpourri for their homes.  Fig trees produce a natural latex sap that is also used for a number of practical and medicinal purposes.

      Figs were so popular among the Greeks that there were even laws made to prevent exportation, and they’re an essential element in the Mediterranean diet, which is one of the healthiest diets in the world. Aside from being an incredible source of dietary fiber, this curious fruit is delicious and filled with a number of essential vitamins and minerals.

      Side effects of figs

                  "Fig allergies and negative drug interactions are uncommon, so most people can add a moderate number of them to their diet without worry. Even so, there are a few potential side effects you should be aware of.

      "According to a 2010 study, people allergic to rubber latex or birch pollen may also be allergic to figs. Figs are part of the mulberry (Moraceae) family. If you’re allergic to other fruits in the mulberry family such as jackfruit, Osage orange, and sugar apple, you may also be allergic to figs.

      "Vitamin K is a natural blood thickener. Dried and raw figs are high in vitamin K. If you take blood-thinning medications such as warfarin (Coumadin), it’s important to keep your vitamin K intake consistent from day to day.
      "Plan when you will eat figs so as not go over your usual daily intake of vitamin K.

      "Figs may have a laxative effect in some people. This can help treat constipation, but eating too many figs may cause loose stools or diarrhea. If you find yourself running to the bathroom after eating figs, cut back on your intake.
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