Trumped Up "Nutritional" Products - A Cautionary Tale of Immediate Relevance

Trumped Up "Nutritional" Products - A Cautionary Tale of Immediate Relevance

On Health Care Renewal, we frequently discuss deceptive marketing schemes designed to sell tests and treatments whose benefits for patients do not clearly outweigh their harms, and sometimes which are useless or dangerous.  In fact, we have to be selective about discussing such cases, because they are all too common.  Therefore, we tend to focus on cases involving the biggest and most powerful health care organizations, and/or the worst risks to patients.

We have generally not discussed the myriad promotions of dubious "nutritional" tests and therapies, because there are just so many of them, the players involved are generally small, and these products were effectively deregulated in the US by the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act.  However, last year we discussed how the marketing of a "nutritional supplement" containing an amphetamine like substance was seemingly facilitated by the revolving door at the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The Trump Network -Background

But a story recently republished by Stat is now suddenly relevant because one of the players involved is now so influential.  It recounted the rise and fall of The Trump Network, a network marketing scheme to sell nutritional products.

Actually, the most colorful version of the background of this story comes from a 2011 article in New York Magazine.  Here is how the network marketing worked, using an example centered around a Trump Network marketer-to-be named Izzo:

He would order the vitamins from a company called Ideal Health. She would earn a commission on the sale and he, in turn, would become a part of her team and encourage other people to buy the vitamins. For those sales, Izzo would earn a commission, as would she (his 'upline'), and then the people he sold the vitamins to would become part of his sales team and would go on to create their own sales teams, who would go on to create their own sales teams, etc., ad infinitum, all of them funneling commissions from their sales up to Izzo and the woman on the phone. As he listened, 'something clicked,' Izzo says. 'I saw the beauty of the business model. And I said, ‘How can I do this, and do this big?’ '

The idea was so big it was picked up by no other than "The Donald" Trump.

'The name is hot!” Donald Trump booms over the speakerphone from his office at 725 Fifth Avenue, where, ever since The Apprentice breathed new life into his brand, he has presided over an ever-diversifying array of businesses. He is, of course, speaking of his own name. “It’s on fire!”

In March 2009, Trump purchased Ideal Health, rebranding it the Trump Network. Though the packaging has now been imprinted with the Trump family crest, the product line is still much the same. There are the two multivitamins: Prime Essentials and the more expensive Custom Essentials, the ingredients of which are determined by the Trump Network–branded PrivaTest, a urine test that claims to determine which vitamins the user needs. There’s also a line of healthy snacks for kids called Snazzle Snaxxs, QuikStik energy drinks, and a Silhouette Solutions diet program. With the Trump investment, the company has added a skin-care line that goes by the seductively foreign name BioCé Cosmeceuticals.

Back then, Mr Trump thought the sky would be the limit.

Next year, the Trump Network plans to add more products and extend its reach to Europe and Asia. The goal, Trump says, is to eventually become bigger than Amway, now an $8.4 billion company and the giant in the field. Whether or not the people of Laos will spring for a skin-care line from a man famous for his perma-tan, some Long Islanders seem convinced.

“People have said, ‘This is Donald Trump’s network-marketing company? I want in,’ ” says Alex, Izzo’s pretty 29-year-old daughter, who quit her job and moved back in with her parents last year in order to become a marketer, as the people in the network call themselves. “I was talking to a woman the other day and she said, ‘If I can’t trust Donald Trump, who can I trust?’ And I said, ‘You’re totally right.’ ”

As Stat noted, Trump helped market the network with great enthusiasm back then.

Donald Trump was ready to make some money on vitamins.

On a Friday night in November 2009, Trump stood before a crowd of thousands at the Hyatt Regency in Miami to launch a new enterprise, The Trump Network. Behind him was a gigantic image of his family crest and an enormous photograph of himself.

'We’re gonna come out with new and different products,' Trump told the crowd. 'They’re gonna be wonderful products.'

Marketing videos that include Mr Trump are still readily available online,

In the video, Mr Trump said"Americans need a new plan. They need a new dream. The Trump Network means to give millions of people a new hope."

The Problems with the Trump Network

Well, how did that work out?

The Stat article described the Network's big product:

The Trump Network asserted that it could use a urine test to recommend customized nutritional supplements, its signature products. It also offered products that purportedly tested for allergies and bone health.

In particular,

The Trump Network sold many health and wellness products, and its main one was a customized nutritional supplement whose composition was determined by a urine test, called the PrivaTest.

A former marketer provided STAT with a kit for Ideal Health’s PrivaTest. It contained a urine collection cup, five test tubes, a cold pack, a biohazard bag, a prepaid FedEx mailing label, and detailed instructions. Customers collected their urine and shipped it to a lab for analysis. That lab analyzed the urine with three tests and produced a report, which was sent to The Trump Network.

The Trump Network bundled the report with a package of pills and shipped it all back to the customer. The pills were marketed as 'Custom Essentials,' formulations based on the results of the test and manufactured by another lab. In all, there were 48 formulations.

According to an archived version of The Trump Network’s website that can still be found online, the PrivaTest, along with a month’s worth of the Custom Essentials, cost $139.95. Retesting was available for $99.95, plus shipping and handling. The company recommended retesting every nine to 12 months.

Other products purportedly tested for food allergies, stress, and digestive health. One claimed to measure 'the balance between your ‘good’ estrogen and your ‘bad’ estrogen.'

The problem is that there is no evidence that these products, particularly PrivaTest, worked in any sense. First, there appeared to be no publicly available data on how the tests worked, what they actually tested, or how accurate they were.  Then there was no data about how the test results could rationally be used to suggest particular mixes of vitamin supplements.  Also, there was apparently no public data about what vitamins were in the potions sent to consumers, their purity, their strength, etc.

Worse, there was no evidence that any of this provided any benefits to the people who ended up taking the vitamins.

To support the necessity of supplements, The Trump Network’s website cited a 2002 article from the Journal of the American Medical Association. The article, it said, 'stated that every adult needs to supplement their nutrition to remain healthy.'

But the article also specifically cautioned against the types of products that The Trump Network sold.  'The Internet and health food stores are filled with promotions for these special-purpose multivitamins, which are often costly,” the article said. “The only evidence-based arguments for taking more than a common multivitamin once a day pertain to the elderly and women who might become pregnant.'

The JAMA article warned against tests that claimed they can help consumers determine which vitamins they should take.


While the FDA may not have evaluated the tests or supplements, independent scientists have — and raised many questions.

Cohen, one of several scientists who reviewed materials from Ideal Health and The Trump Network, said that the tests were marketed too broadly and seemed to be 'pathologizing normal human life.'

The website, for example, recommended its “AllerTest” to anyone who had dark circles under their eyes, occasional digestive problems, fluctuating blood sugar, sinus and respiratory problems, or tiredness after eating.

'Does your blood sugar fluctuate?' Cohen said, laughing. 'If your blood sugar does not fluctuate, you are extremely ill. You will not be long on this planet.'

What’s more, the AllerTest did not measure food allergies, as the network’s website claimed it would, according to outside analysis of materials from the testing lab and Ideal Health publications.

The test measured information about an antibody known as immunoglobulin G, or IgG, according to company publications. The antibody is normally produced in the body and not indicative of a food allergy, said Dr. Robert Wood, director of pediatric allergy and immunology at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

'There’s no disease condition for which the IgG antibodies have any relevance at all,' Wood said.
So while Mr Trump, his company, and some of his marketers might have made money from the Trump Network, there is no evidence that its products actually provided any health benefits.

Also, in the long run, Mr Trump's grandiose claims about how the riches his new marketers would receive also proved wanting.  Despite Trump's initial enthusiasm, the Trump Network hardly went global,

Regardless of the science, Trump’s name did wonders for Ideal Health in the short term. Former marketers said the company grew significantly in the months following the name change.

Then, the network began experiencing financial difficulties.

'The Trump Network had gotten in trouble financially,' said Bonnie Futrell, a former marketer and 'diamond director' — one of the top-tier marketers in the company. 'They weren’t being able to pay [the lab]. They weren’t paying vendors. They weren’t paying us.'

Futrell said she was involved in discussions with company higher-ups about how to salvage the organization.

On Dec. 31, 2011, the license agreement expired, said Garten, the general counsel for The Trump Organization. It was not renewed.

Note that this story was also summarized in an AP article available via CBS.   The Network's products were also reviewed, not favorably, on QuackWatch.


The Trump Network sold nutritional testing and products any clear evidence that they provided any benefits to patients, or that they worked at all in any sense.  Some of the products, like the allergy test discussed above, did not appear to be what they were advertised to be.  Since the Network's products and the outcomes of people using them apparently never were the subject of any clinical research, whether the products did any harm is unknown.  Thus, the Network was like many other dodgy efforts to sell totally unproven "nutritional" products.  Its main results seem to have been transferring money from the pockets of the gullible to the marketers, and to Mr Trump himself.  While Mr Trump recruited marketers with boastful assertions of giving people "new hope," that hope was false.

The increasing commercialization of health care, enabled by deregulation justified by market fundamentalism,  now means that health care has become increasingly a means of transferring money from the little people to big corporations, in this example, those corporations owned by Mr Trump, without providing any net health benefit to those whose pockets have been invaded.  This is bad enough.

But at the moment, Mr Trump is considered the front runner for the Republican presidential nomination, although he is attracting more enmity, much of it from the Republican party. It is ironic that Mr Trump seems to be winning support from a lot of "little people" whom he has promised to defend.  Yet it was the little people who marketed the Trump Network and bought its products who were eventually left hanging. 

The Stat article mentioned that some minor candidates for the Republican nomination this year were also tarred with stories about their involvement in questionable health marketing schemes.  And previous major party candidates have certainly had some health care conflicts of interest.  In fact, we discussed that the current First Lady once was a top executive of a big hospital chain, and the last Republican presidential candidate was a leader of a private equity firm that owned numerous health companies.   It may be unprecedented, at least in recent history, for someone who had been directly involved in the shady marketing of dubious health remedies to be a genuine contender for the US presidency.

There are many bigger issues in the current election than health care.  But now we are faced with Mr Trump, who once hawked unsubstantiated health benefits of dodgy nutritional products, and recruited marketers for these products with false promises of wealth to come.  And Mr Trump has some real possibility of  becoming the President of the US, to whom the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Veterans Affairs report.  What damage could such a leader do to health care?  And what other damage could a man who so cavalierly fleeced the little people with his dubious nutritional product marketing scheme  do, especially to the little people who now so unconditionally support him?

Is there a better example showing why we as a society need to completely rethink who gets to become our leaders?  My only hope is we can do that rethinking in time to prevent a disaster. 

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