Haunted by US Healthcare Inc  - $27.9 Million/Year Aetna CEO Threatened Obamacare Pullback in Apparent Retaliation for Government Anti-Trust Litigation

Haunted by US Healthcare Inc - $27.9 Million/Year Aetna CEO Threatened Obamacare Pullback in Apparent Retaliation for Government Anti-Trust Litigation

We do not write about health insurance and managed care as much as we used to.  Dysfunction in this area now gets much media attention.  US Physicians frequently complain that bureaucratic impediments imposed on them by health insurance and the government  are major causes of health care dysfunction. 

However, managed care was at the sharp edge of the movement to change the focus of health care from individual patients cared for by individual professionals and at local hospitals, to an (unregulated) business dominated by huge corporate entities.  The wedge with that sharp edge has now driven very deep.  So it may be instructive to look at what is going on now.

The Proposed Aetna-Humana Merger

In 2015, the big news in the US health insurance sphere were big mergers.  One example was the proposed merger between Aetna and Humana.  An Aetna press release trumpeted that the

Combined Entity ... [would] Drive Consumer-Focused, High-Value Health Care

That it would have the

Ability to Lead Effort to Transform Health Care Delivery to a More Consumer-Focused Marketplace

And that it will

Improve Affordability, Quality and Convenience for Consumers

What could possibly go wrong?

Up to now, mergers that created ever bigger drug/ device/ biotechnology companies, hospital systems, and health insurance companies got little US government opposition.  After all, the fashion among health care managers and health policy experts as been to extoll all the efficiences and advantages large organizations could provide, usually absent much evidence in support of this contention. (See, for example, the press release above, and see what we have written about concentration of power.)

The Government Wakes Up to the Anti-Trust Issue

But this time, the government eventually indicated it might push back.  In July, 2016, as reported by the NY Times,

United States Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced that the government had filed lawsuits to block the deals, between Aetna and Humana and Anthem and Cigna.

The proposed mergers, she said, 'would leave much of the multitrillion-dollar health insurance industry in the hands of three mammoth insurance companies.'

'If these mergers were to take place, the competition among insurers that has pushed them to provide lower premiums, higher-quality care and better benefits would be eliminated,' she said.

The companies responded by vowing, in varying degrees, to fight the government’s challenge. Aetna, which had hoped to gain an advantage by being the first to reach a deal, aggressively defended its proposed merger, which it contended was different from the larger Anthem-Cigna deal that followed.

'I like my chances in front of a judge,' Mark T. Bertolini, chief executive of Aetna, said in an interview.

 Parenthetically, I wonder what evidence she had that previous competition had led to "lower premiums, higher-quality care and better benefits" up to now, but I digress.

Aetna Suddenly Abandons ACA Exchanges

Soon after that, Aetna announced it was pulling out of the "markets" created by Obamacare, aka the Affordable Care Act (ACA), e.g., per CNBC.

Aetna is sharply cutting its participation in Obamacare exchanges for 2017.

The health insurer said it will offer individual Affordable Care Act exchange plans in just four states, down from 15 this year, in an effort to reduce its losses.

'As a strong supporter of public exchanges as a means to meet the needs of the uninsured, we regret having to make this decision,; Chairman and CEO Marc Bertolini said in a statement.

This despite the fact that

as recently as April, Aetna's Bertolini had expressed strong support for the exchanges, telling analysts that it would have cost the company more than a $1 billion to acquire the million new customers it had signed up on Obamacare exchanges.

Cut to Michael Hiltzik writing for the Los Angeles Times. As he noted,

Aetna’s announcement this week that it was pulling out of most of the states where it was serving the Obamacare individual exchanges was a head-scratcher; after all, just three months earlier, Chief Executive Mark Bertolini was calling its participation in the market 'a good investment,' despite near-term losses.

Bertolini also had tried to tamp down speculation that its withdrawal was anything like a payback for the government’s move to block its $37-billion merger with Humana. That was 'a separate conversation' from its evaluation of the exchange business, he said during an Aug. 2 conference call with Wall Street analysts.


Now evidence has emerged that Aetna was lying. The smoking gun is a July 5 letter from Bertolini to Ryan Kantor of the Justice Department, unearthed by Jonathan Cohn and Jeffrey Young of the Huffington Post via a Freedom of Information Act request. In the letter, sent before the DOJ formally announced it would sue to block the Humana deal, Bertolini explicitly ties the two issues together.

'Our analysis to date makes clear that if the deal were challenged and/or blocked we would need to take immediate actions to mitigate public exchange and ACA small group losses,' Bertolini wrote. 'Specifically, if the DOJ sues to enjoin the transaction, we will immediately take action to reduce our 2017 exchange footprint. We currently plan, as part of our strategy following the acquisition, to expand from 15 states in 2016 to 20 states in 2017. However, if we are in the midst of litigation over the Humana transaction, given the risks described above, we will not be able to expand to the five additional states.'
So to review, Aetna and Humana, already large for-profit managed care organizations/ health care insurance companies announced a merger, proclaiming it was all about better, higher value care for patients .  The government begged to differ.  Aetna suddenly announced its retreat from government backed insurance markets.  Its CEO denied that move was retaliation, but was allegedly "lying."

Why am I not surprised by Aetna's apparent untrustworthiness?

The History of US Healthcare Inc

As we just discussed, many large health care organizations are the products of mergers, acquisitions, and other kinds of financial engineering.  This makes their corporate history and culture much harder to comprehend.

In particular, let us not forget that the current Aetna is a product of the merger of US Healthcare Inc and Aetna in 1996.  Many readers may not remember much about this merger, and it may have occurred before others' time.

Promises of Wonders to Come

In short, US Healthcare Inc was one of the earliest for-proft managed care companies.  A 1996 Philadelphia Inquirer story described its origin.  It was started by Leonard Abramson, based on work done in the early 1970s. 

By the early 1970s, Abramson had shifted gears and gone to work for R.H. Medical Inc., a small but innovative hospital-management company then headquartered in Cheltenham.

Abramson held the title of vice president for corporate development. But even colleagues didn't know what that meant. `Nobody knew him,' one former R.H. Medical executive says. 'He was running some project nobody knew anything about.'

The project Abramson was running turned out to be a prototype of the health maintenance organization a prototype of the health maintenance organization: a new form of health plan that turned a la carte medicine on its head by paying doctors and hospitals set, all-inclusive fees for their services, instead of paying each and every time they treated a patient.

The idea was to change the incentives from doing more to doing only what was appropriate and kept the patient healthy, Abramson once said. In short, it was a lower-cost alternative to the inflationary fee-for-service medicine then in vogue.

Managed care has been promising lower costs for patients and society, better access, and higher quality for a long time.  Yet, there was never any good evidence that it ever really was "a low-cost alternative" for patients, and while it helped enable the decline of fee-for-service medicine, its alternative was not obviously less "inflationary."

Making the Insiders Rich

On the other hand,  US Healthcare Inc was good at extracting a large amount of money from the health care system to benefit its founder and CEO, and his family tremendously wealthy. Again per the Inquirer in 1996,

Abramson's 1993 salary of $3.52 million, based on a 40-hour week, worked out to $1,692.30 an hour. That's not including his $6.3 million in stock options.  [That would be total compensation of at least $9.82 million in 1993.]

A 1995 proxy listed Abramson's 1994 base salary at $1.8 million, plus a bonus of $1.6 million.

Forbes magazine estimated his 1994 worth at $780 million, making him No. 110 among the 400 richest people in America. He was ranked that year as the Philadelphia area's highest paid CEO of a publicly traded company.

In addition,

He's made sure his children haven't had to struggle. A proxy report showed U.S. Healthcare paid daughter Nancy Wolfson $239,999 in salary and bonuses in 1993, and her husband, Richard, who directs the pharmacy and dental operations, $270,000. Another daughter, Marcy A. Shoemaker, made $280,000.

Company shares also are held in trust for Abramson's grandchildren.
Angry Doctors and Allegations of Worse Care

While the company provided monetary advantages to its insiders, but not clearly to patients or society, I remember US Healthcare Inc from my days as a fellow and then junior faculty member in the Philadelphia area as rather a nasty player.  At the time of the 1996 merger, a Philadelphia Inquirer story about the CEO of US Healthcare Inc stated

U.S. Healthcare is considered one of the nation's toughest HMOs....

And retold

a joke making the rounds in Philadelphia-area doctors' lounges:

[US Healthcare CEO Leonard] Abramson dies and goes to heaven, where he compliments God on what a great place he has. 'Don't get too comfortable,' God advises. 'You're only approved for a three-day stay.'

The Philadelphia Inquirer separately described Mr Abramson thus:

to his detractors in the health-care industry, Abramson is anything but charitable. They view him as a ruthless, bottom-line-oriented executive who has made himself and his Blue Bell company fabulously wealthy while ratcheting down payments to hospitals and skimping on patient care.

For years, some of the most prestigious hospitals in Philadelphia refused to sign contracts with U.S. Healthcare. Those that did often complained bitterly about the hard-line negotiating style of Abramson and his colleagues, which resulted in lower reimbursement rates for the hospitals.

The story concluded,

 Abramson continues to receive heavy criticism from some in the health-care industry. These critics say his HMOs have stressed profits and shareholder value over quality patient care.
So US Healthcare Inc was one of the first important US for-profit managed care organization.  It promised lower costs for patients and society, and better health care.  While there is no evidence these promises were fulfilled, it made its top insiders very wealthy, while alienating health care professionals, many who thought it led to worse health care for their patients.

This pattern repeated when Aetna merged with US Healthcare.

The Aetna - US Healthcare Merger

 Promises of Wonders to Come

When the merger between Aetna and US Healthcare Inc was proposed, according to the Philadelphia Inquirer in 1996,

The deal would put the new company in a position 'to redefine the way in which medical care is delivered in the country,' said Aetna chairman Ronald E. Compton, who would serve as the combined firm's chief executive. 'U.S. Healthcare was the best possible partner for Aetna. . . . This is, no kidding, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to create a model for exceptional' health care.

Yet in retrospect there is no evidence that the merger produced "exceptional health care," at least not exceptional in terms of being exceptionally good for patients.

Making the Insiders Rich

But like the old US Healthcare Inc, Aetna did succeed in making its CEOs very wealthy.  In 2012, we noted that the first new CEO of the combined entity, Dr John Rowe, was to get an initial salary of $1 million and bonuses of $1 to $3 million to start in 2000.  And by 2010, as we posted here, according to its 2010 proxy statement, Aetna CEO Ronald A Williams' total compensation in 2009 was a mere $18,058,162. Other top executives made proportionate amounts, from more than $1 million to more than $12 million.

In 2015, as noted by the Hartford Courant,

Aetna Chairman and CEO Mark Bertolini received $27.9 million in compensation last year, according to a filing Friday with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

About $24.8 million of the package was due to gains in value on restricted stock that vested in 2015 and on stock options he was awarded 10 years ago and exercised in 2015.

The total was up from $15 million in 2014.

His compensation also included $1,034,483 in salary, $1.84 million in cash bonus, and $271,908 in perks, mostly from the cost of his using the corporate aircraft for personal use.
Angry Doctors and Allegations of Worse Care

Also, once Aetna and US Healthcare Inc merged, Aetna acquired a bad reputation among physicians.  As we wrote in 2012, by 1998, an American Medical News article documented the "rocky relations" between Aetna and physicians. By early 2000, Aetna CEO Richard Huber was known as "the managed care executive physicians love to hate," per the American Medical News. His departure was characterized by then American Medical News Street Smarts columnist Dr Scott Gottlieb, as partly due to how

Huber talked out of one side of his mouth about his company's obsessive quest for 'quality' health care -- while out of the other he was screaming at doctors, hospitals and drug firms about controlling costs. Yet Aetna's medical costs were still creeping up. As Richard Huber learned, you can't talk the talk if you don't walk the walk.
So once again, after US Healthcare merged with Aetna, the combined, larger company did not deliver on promises of lower-cost, higher-quality care, while it made its insiders very wealth, angered health care professionals, and allegedly led to poor health care.


So the story of US Healthcare Inc, and its merger with Aetna showed a repeating pattern: unfulfilled promises of wonders to come, angry health professionals complaining of bad health care, while the corporate insiders become rich.  So do we really think that the proposed Aetna Humana merger would "Drive Consumer-Focused, High-Value Health Care?"  If so, could I sell you a bridge from Brooklyn to Manhattan?

This case shows how we have turned health insurance over to large for-profit corporations, in an era of laissez faire capitalism and light touch regulation, and in an era in which managerialism enables the leadership of health care organizations by business trained people with little understanding of or sympathy for the health care calling, but who can get rich by pursuing short-term revenue, and can deploy armies of marketers and public relations specialists to obfuscate what is going on.

Why on earth should we expect by continuing in the same direction we will now actually produce lower-cost, higher-quality care?

One big problem is that many people in the US now think of commercialized health care as the norm, and cannot conceive of any alternatives.  Even our recent attempt at health care reform, the Affordable Care act, depended on the continued dominance of health insurance by for-profit corporations.

True health care reform would consider alternatives.  At least we could start with much tougher regulation of commercial health care.  For example, in his article noted above, Michael Hiltzik suggested

We’ve mentioned before that the government isn’t entirely powerless to goad big insurers like Aetna into greater participation in the ACA exchanges. Among other things, the companies make money hand over fist by serving Medicaid expansions in many states and in Medicare managed-care plans. Why not tie their access to those lucrative markets to sticking with the exchanges until they’re finally stabilized?

Bertolini implicitly tied Aetna’s participation in Obamacare to a green light from the government on the Humana merger. But two can play that game.

That would not go over well with neoliberals who believe all corporate regulation is bad.

Furthermore, mabye we should reconsider whether most, or any health insurance should be provided by for-profit corporations. The "government option" is no longer a taboo topic in conversations about "Obamacare." There are other options. Other countries rely on tightly regulated, accountable non-profit organizations to provide health insurance. Such organizations may not enrich insiders as well as big for-profit health insurance companies, but maybe for once we should think of putting patients' and the public's health ahead of these insiders' enrichment.
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