Health Care Renewal Bloggers to Lead Session on Conflicts of Interest and Health Care Corruption at Society for General Internal Medicine Meeting

Health Care Renewal Bloggers to Lead Session on Conflicts of Interest and Health Care Corruption at Society for General Internal Medicine Meeting

Bloggers D r Wally Smith and Dr Roy Poses will be leading a sub-session on conflicts of interest and health care corruption in a late breaking session during the annual meeting of the Society for General Internal Medicine in Washington, DC. 

The session will be on advocacy related to important health policy issues that are now most salient in the current political context in the US.  The official session title is still pending.  The session will offer multiple sub-sessions on the most pertinent issues.  

The meeting goes from 19 - 22 April, 2017.  Our session will be on Thursday, 20 April, at 11:30 AM.  The meeting program is here but does not yet include this late breaking session.  It should appear in the registration options.
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